Welcome to Our new portfolio

Hudson Valley, U.S.A.

Sep 01 - Oct 14, 2023
(Opening Reception Sep 8)
Venue: Opalka Gallery, Albany, NY

Curated by

in collaboration with Opalka Gallery and Amy Griffin

We ask all visitors to consider that this iteration of To Be—Named is installed in the homelands of the Kanien’keháka and Muhheaconneok communities, two sovereign Indigenous nations who are the original stewards of these lands. This statement is not a formal land acknowledgment, which must be developed in cooperation with descendent communities. We encourage all visitors to educate themselves on these histories and to consider supporting the work of these nations. For more information please visit the following:



Acts of naming are not merely descriptive or representative—they have creative capacity and actively take part in shaping our worlds.

As a multi-site international exhibition, To Be—Named reflects upon how names are created and used to shape, reshape, and sometimes mis-shape our worlds and identities. The artists exhibited here contend with and complicate naming practices, revealing how names colonize and decolonize, as well as how personal experiences intersect with collective ones, creating our political, cultural, and ecological realities.

Each iteration of the exhibition (Germany, Greece, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Palestine, Republic of Sakha, U.S.A.) is designed around a core series of digitally based artworks* that are positioned in conversation with regional artists and artworks. The resulting diversity of perspectives both troubles and provides meaningful insights into how the politics of naming play out in different contexts—not just as theoretical concepts—but as lived experiences.

*Core traveling artworks curated by

Christian Ayne Crouch
Gwyneira Isaac
Marta Ostajewska
, and
Bently Spang

Special thanks: Gina Occhiogrosso, Opalka Exhibitions and Marketing Manager


"A Critical Turning Point": Experimental Humanities Exhibit Explores Names and Their Power to Shape the World

3D walkthrough of exhibition:

Installation & Opening Events Images:
