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Por aire (By air)

Embroidery on Canvas, 2022

The continuous repetition of the trips I have made between my hometown and the city where I live reminds me of the synchronized flight of birds. Following this image, for each flight, I draw a line from one end of a canvas to the other, in one direction and in the other.

On the other hand, the experience of observing the flight of an airplane from the ground is very different from that of a passenger. Making the strokes with a sewing machine I seek to represent the passing of time in the monotony of the small and countless stitches.

Like my relationship with both cities, the canvas has no left or right side. Therefore, instead of writing their names, I add two palindromes that I use continuously to refer to my hometown or my city of residence, depending on the city where I am: acá (here) and allá (there).